Saturday, August 28, 2010

Soda Sims!

Okay, I have a teensy little favor to ask of anyone who's willing. If there are any simmers reading this who have the custard tool, could you please download my sims and let me know if they have any bad cc attached? I uploaded some before I understood bad cc could attach itself to the files. I have all the sims I make saved to the bin, so it would be relatively simple to re-upload them (Well, besides the fact that the launcher is a piece of junk. D:)
If you wouldn't mind, please leave a comment letting me know <3

Now for sims! 

I've realized that the sims I make look much prettier in game than they do on the exchange. I have a mac, so I can't upload fancy custom pictures- so instead, I thought I would just post pictures of the sims I make on my blog :)
I don't own photoshop or paint or any programs like that, so what you see is exactly how they'll look in game (well, everyone's graphics are different, but you know what I mean (: )

Soda Sims!

First up are the Crush Siblings-

Strawberry, Orange, and Grape Crush. ^_-


These two are twins based off of Wonka Nerds :D


  1. Now your making me thirsty!

    Anyfink,I love them :D

  2. Thank you! :D
    Any suggestions?
    Somehow I managed to download the rainbow skin slider off the exchange, so I finally made orange crush. And I changed grape so she doesn't look like a zombie anymore ;)

  3. One "Simmer" to another:

    Awesome! These Sims look so cool! The only thing I ever use the color sliders for is making sims look slightly dead. The bright colours look really awesome and the themes are such a unique idea!

    From Stittle.

  4. I love your Berry Sweets! I assume you're using Euphoria for their skins?

  5. Thank you so much!
    I feel fat because I'm constantly making sims based off food and drinks.. Hehe.

    I'm not sure what I'm using, I downloaded it off the exchange somehow. It covered up my blue tone. I think it may be the rainbow one, though?
    Thank you :)

  6. Sounds like the Rainbow skin slider. Euphoria is 10 different non-default tones. I like them because you can change the tint of their hues from light to dark.

  7. I know. I don't like that about this slider- They're so bright it's almost garish. I want those skins but I've downloaded three different file openers (winRAR, Stuffit, and Keka) and none of them worked on my computer for some reason =/
    So I can't download third party cc. I wish I could, because I keep getting skins that cover up my defaults. I don't like that.
